In order to save a college girl who is being held captive, Tachibana relies on her hearing to locate the culprit. After the incident, Higuchi wonders whether Tachibana really heard the sound.
Up Next in Season 1
S1E3: Voice
The sister of one of the ECU team members has been abducted. Higuchi and Ishikawa look for her based on the GPS on her cell phone and Tachibana's special hearing ability. However, Higuchi and Tachibana begin to realize that a trap has been set in this abduction case.
S1E4: Voice
Several hours have passed since Aoi was abducted, and she is in imminent danger of being raped. Tachibana tells Higuchi two important things: how to find Aoi's whereabouts and hints of Nitta's involvement in Higuchi's wife's murder.
S1E5: Voice
Tachibana suspects Okihara as a collaborator, believing that the person who murdered Nitta is the same person who killed Higuchi's wife. In the meantime, a 6-year-old child reports that his mother stabbed him.