Mitsuhashi, a high schooler who is skeptical about ordinary everyday life, makes his debut with a blonde perm when he transfers to another school, pretending to be a genuine homeboy. But he's stunned by a spiky-haired Ito whom he met at the same barber a day before also trying to pretend to be a homeboy on his first day at school.
Up Next in Season 1
S1E2: From Today, It's My Turn!!
Mitsuhashi is accused of being hit by his classmate Riko, a martial arts master, and irritated by her behavior. Ito tries to let Mitsuhashi know of impending danger, but his mind is occupied with Riko and he goes to the town to look for her.
S1E3: From Today, It's My Turn!!
Riko has developed a crush on Mitsuhashi ever since he resolved a crisis and saved her father's martial arts gym. This breaks Imai's heart and creates a fight between Imai and Akehisa that later involves Mitsuhashi and Ito!
S1E4: From Today, It's My Turn!!
Although Imai's despairs at having to spend his youth at an all-boys' school, he and Akemi start getting along well. However, Mitsuhashi and Ito see an unexpected side of her!